lunes, enero 31, 2005

31 Enero 2005 (lunes)

Lo Siento

No asistí a nuestra clase de espñol hoy. Mi carro no funcionaba. :-(


Our next quiz is this Wednesday, on February 2.
Our next test is a week from Friday, on February 11.


I didn't attend class today because my car wouldn't start when I tried to leave this morning. Based on the homework, though, I am guessing that we studied ordinal numbers. Unlike cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc.), ordinal numbers indicate relative position or place (first, second, third, etc.). Just when you though you were done learning Spanish numbers!

Hopefully it's pretty straight-forward, though. Unlike the first time you had to learn the numbers, you only have to learn ten this time.

Since I missed class today, if anyone could post a comment here and let me know what Wednesday's homework is, I would appreciate it, and I will update the post.

Friday's homework (was?) (was not?) collected at the end of class.


At 5:08 a. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

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